Image courtesy of Pixabay I originally wrote today’s post for Forbes. It appeared on the Forbes site on October 18, 2018. I’ve made some slight modifications since then, as it turned into a two-part series. The good news is that you’ve embarked on a customer experience transformation journey. The bad news is that you don’t […]
How to Create a Disaster Recovery Plan for E-Commerce Stores
Published on 9th July 2024 by Gemma Harding E-commerce stores face a variety of risks that can disrupt operations. These risks range from cyber-attacks and data breaches to natural disasters and technical failures. Without a strong disaster recovery plan, businesses can experience significant financial losses, reputational damage, and even permanent closure. This […]
GREAT Service is GREAT Theater. Don’t be just good. Be GREAT out there out there! | BILL QUISENG
English writer Samuel Johnson said, “People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed”. So, I encourage you to remind yourself and your colleagues of this: QUI TAKEAWAY: In their book, The Experience Economy, Joseph Pine and James Gilmore define “Work is theater and every business a stage.” If you were […]
Customer Service Goals 2021: Objectives & Examples
Of all the customer service goals, which one is the most important? If you answered, “Resolving customer requests and issues promptly,” you’d be partially correct. While contact resolution is priority number one, there are four other customer service goals and objectives that also have a major impact on a brand’s ability to deliver experiences both […]
The one question sales leaders should ask every prospect
Key takeaways: Sales leaders should ask potential customers about the outcome they need to achieve to be successful. Starting with an outcome focus makes it easier for sales leads to kick off an entire customer lifecycle, rather than just a quick handoff. An outcome-first approach is the foundation of a customer-led growth motion, where new […]
Improve B2B Customer Service with the Predictive Power of AI
Automation has changed the way B2B support teams provide solutions to their clients. With artificial intelligence in place, agents are more efficient and client retention is easier to maintain. However, one of the biggest advantages of AI-powered tools often gets overlooked. That’s probably because it’s working behind the scenes. We’re referring to the predictive power […]
One Bad Employee Can Spread like a Virus in Even a Healthy Culture
The age-old proverb “One bad apple spoils the barrel” is a perfect metaphor for workplace culture. We found the results of the following experiment to be an aha leadership moment. Will Felps, a professor at Rotterdam School of Management in the Netherlands, conducted a fascinating study demonstrating contagious behavior in the work environment. He split […]
How safe are sun creams?
Like most people, I really enjoy going on foreign holidays to hot countries. In the last few months I’ve enjoyed holidays in Italy, Florida, and Spain. But as someone who has experienced skin cancer several times in recent years, I know only too well the massive importance of being careful in the sun, and using […]
Decrease Churn with Effective Onboarding Processes in SaaS
For SaaS companies, reducing churn is a crucial goal, as customer retention is often more cost-effective than acquisition. One of the most efficient ways to decrease churn is by designing and implementing a robust onboarding process. At TeamSupport, the award-winning ticketing and live chat solution, we understand the importance of a well-structured onboarding experience in […]
Customer Support in Social Media || SupportYourApp
90% of people who have social media accounts have used them to communicate with brands, and about half of them do it to resolve customer service-related issues. Social media has reshaped the relationship between customers and businesses. Users can compare a brand’s customer service with their competitors in just a few clicks, and customer communication […]