December 25, 2024
Today, in paying it forward, ask, “What can I do for you?” | BILL QUISENG

Today, in paying it forward, ask, “What can I do for you?” | BILL QUISENG

In 1976, while I was a 20-year-old student at Santa Clara University, CA, I became a part-time charter associate of Marriott’s Great America Theme Park. After graduating from college two years later, I joined Marriott Hotels and until 2021, I’ve been in full-service and luxury hotels and resorts. There was no such thing as CX, but I was doing more than serving to satisfy guests. I wanted them to have a “better than the average” experience that guests expected. So I served to WOW them. I served to CARE (Communicate. Acknowledge. Respond. Enrich). Big difference.

As a general manager/managing director for 27 of 43 years in hospitality, I planned to retire and be a customer CARE speaker, but, then, everything went south. Unfortunately, I suffered a stroke in April 2021. Overnight, I dropped from Mr. “Let’s be GREAT out there!” to Mr. Invisible. I have slurred speech and a dead right side. I hope to recover soon if my unconscious mind is willing.

Today, I can tell you that growing up and getting older are not the same. Growing up is looking forward to what is to come. Getting older is looking back at what might have been. When I was growing up wrapped up in the busyness of the business, I listened to my mental radio station WII-FM, focusing on “What’s in it for me?” Now, as I am not only getting old but already there, my focus is oh, so different.

Mark Sanborn has said, “You don’t need a title to be a leader”. So, I aspire to be a servant leader who will CARE for others.

COMMUNICATE openly, transparently, interactively, and frequently any information people need and want to know. Listen empathetically to the people’s suggestions, concerns, and complaints. Express compassion and encouragement.
APPRECIATE the important roles, responsibilities, and efforts of people.
RECOGNIZE, honor, and offer accolades for individual and team achievements, accomplishments, and acts of service.
EMPOWER people to make the right decisions.

When I CARE, I hope to empower people to develop themselves. And, in paying it forward, they will be enthused and energized to engage with their colleagues and others. 

So, today, my question is “What can I do for you?”

#customerservice #customerexperience #leadership #custserv #custexp #cx

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