January 22, 2025
Online Education Conferences June – December 2020

Online Education Conferences June – December 2020

Here is a list of planned online education conferences 2020. These are world-wide June to December 2020. It is incredibly important to reach out to others, keep up with fresh knowledge and work on new ideas.

It may seem a bit presumptive to suggest physically attending a conference in this COVID-19 climate but don’t let that stop you from attending online conferences. Check with the conference providers about the steps they’re taking to stay safe (number limits, health checks, etc.), including if the conference can be attended virtually. If you’re planning on travelling check restrictions in that location.

Keep in mind that most of this list was compiled pre COVID-19 and some of these conferences may be postponed or cancelled.

Thanks to Clayton R Wright for providing the list. If you have anything to add to the list contact Clayton at crwr77 [@] gmail [dot] com.

Online Education Conferences June – December 2020

June 2020

June 1, 2020 Faculty Assessor Training for Prior Learning Assessment. Organized by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning. Offered online. https://www.cael.org/higher-education/faculty-assessor-training or https://www.cael.org/events

June 1, 2020 Leadership for Beginners: A Workshop for Teachers New to Leadership Positions. Presented by Critical Agendas. Offered online. https://www.criticalagendas.com.au/events/leadership-for-beginners-a-workshop-for-teachers-new-to-leadership-positions/ or https://www.criticalagendas.com.au/events/?_sft_event-category=1-day-workshops

June 1-2, 2020 York Annual Symposium and Mini Course on Game Theory, 11th annual. CANCELLED. Department of Economics and Related Studies. University of York, York, United Kingdom. https://sites.google.com/a/york.ac.uk/gtsymposium/home

June 1-2, 2020 Assurance of Learning Seminar. CANCELLED. Organized by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Tampa, Florida, USA. https://www.aacsb.edu/events/

June 1-3, 2020 Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) Annual Accreditation Conference – Asia Pacific. CANCELLED. Singapore https://www.aacsb.edu/events/conferences

June 1-3, 2020 Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference: Educating for Innovation, Nurturing Society, 8th biennial. POSTPONED to March 17-19, 2021. National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. https://conference.nie.edu.sg/2020/

June 1-3, 2020 Future Presidents Institute. CANCELLED. Organized by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC). Washington, D.C., USA. https://www.aacc.nche.edu/events/ or http://www.aaccfuture.com/

June 1-3, 2020 John E. Roueche Future Leaders Institute (For mid-level community college administrators). CANCELLED. Organized by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC). Washington, D.C., USA. http://www.aaccfuture.com/ or https://www.aacc.nche.edu/events/

June 1-3, 2020 Advanced Leadership Development in Higher Education. POSTPONED to fall. Beaver Creek, Colorado, USA. https://www.academicimpressions.com/coronavirus-updates/ or https://www.academicimpressions.com/trainings/?fwp_product_categories=conference or https://www.academicimpressions.com/advanced-leadership-development-in-higher-education/

June 1-3, 2020 Canadian Association for Information Science (CAIS) Conference, 48th annual. CANCELLED. University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada. http://www.cais-acsi.ca/ or http://cais-acsi.ca/2020/03/30/cancellation-of-the-in-person-cais-conference/

June 1-4, 2020 International Conference on Open Repositories (OR), 15th annual. POSTPONED until May 31-June 3, 2021. Organized by the Library and Information Service at Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa. http://or2020.sun.ac.za/

June 1-4, 2020 Gartner Security and Risk Management. National Harbor, Maryland, USA. https://www.gartner.com/en/conferences/calendar

June 1-5, 2020 EdMedia World Conference on Educational Media and Technology and Innovate Learning. Organized by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Originally scheduled for the Renaissance Amsterdam Hotel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. In 2020, the event will be held June 23-26, 2020 online only. http://www.aace.org/conf/

June 1-5, 2020 How to Teach in a Digital Context: Digital Skills for Teachers in Adult Education. Organized by the NGO Trainers’ Association. Warsaw/Warszawa, Poland. https://eaea.org/event/teach-digital-context-digital-skills-teachers-adult-education-training-course/ or https://eaea.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/NGO_Trainers_Association_courses.pdf

June 1-5 and 8-12, 2020 Digital Humanities Summer Institute. CANCELLED for 2020, but will be held in June 2021. University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. http://www.dhsi.org/

June 1-5, 2020 Creative Pro Week: The Essential “How-To” Conferences for CreativePros – InDesign Conference, Print and ePublishing Conference (PePcon), and Photoshop and Illustrator Conference for Designers (PsAi). Organized by the Creative Publishing Network. Austin, Texas, USA. https://creativeproweek.com/

June 1-7, 2020 New to Online, Essentials Part I: Getting Started. (Other dates are available.) Organized by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Offered online. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/olc-new-institute-schedule/

June 1-7, 2020 Exploring Competency-Based Education. Organized by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Offered online. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/olc-new-institute-schedule/

June 1-7, 2020 Introduction to Learner Experience Design Methods, Part II: Experience Mapping. (Other dates are available.) Organized by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Offered online. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/olc-new-institute-schedule/

June 1-21, 2020 Assessing Prior Learning. Organized by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL). Offered online. http://www.cael.org/events or https://www.cael.org/higher-education/faculty-assessor-training

June 1-28, 2020 Project Management for Instructional Designers. (Other dates are available.) Organized by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Offered online. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/olc-new-institute-schedule/ or https://my.onlinelearningconsortium.org/s/events#/events/smallIcons

June 1-July 28, 2020 EDUCAUSE Institute Management Program. (Originally scheduled to be held in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA from June 8-11, 2020.) Organized by EDUCAUSE. In 2020, offered online only. https://events.educause.edu/event-finder

June 2, 2020 Westminster Education Forum: The Next Steps for Improving England’s School System – The New Inspection Framework, Best Practice, and the Role of MATs and Free Schools. To be held online. https://www.westminsterforumprojects.co.uk/conferences/westminster-education-forum or https://www.westminsterforumprojects.co.uk/conference/next-steps-for-reforming-englands-school-system-20

June 2-3, 2020 EduTECH Australia. POSTPONED until November 9-10, 2020. (10,000+ attendees) International Convention Centre, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. https://www.terrapinn.com/exhibition/edutech-australia/ or http://www.edutech.net.au/?utm_source=terrapinn&utm_campaign=listing&utm_medium=link&utm_term=AF

June 2-3, 2020 EduBUILD. (Education buildings and infrastructure) POSTPONED until November 9-10, 2020. International Convention Centre, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. http://www.edubuild.net.au/ or https://www.terrapinn.com/exhibition/edutech-australia/EduBUILD-2020.stm

June 2-3, 2020 Effects America: Gathering the Community of the Visual Effects (VFX) and Animation Industries. Marché Bonsecours, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. https://www.effects-events.com/en/home/

June 2-3, 2020 Streaming Media East: The Business and Technology of Online Video, 22nd. Originally scheduled for The Westin Copley Place, Boston Massachusetts, USA. In 2020, event organizers will hold free online sessions from June 2-5, 2020. http://www.streamingmedia.com/east/ or http://www.infotoday.com/conferences.asp

June 2-4, 2020 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development. POSTPONED. Berlin, Germany. https://en.unesco.org/events/esdfor2030 or https://en.unesco.org/events/unesco-world-conference-education-sustainable-development-0 or https://en.unesco.org/events

June 2-4, 2020 Smart Workspace Design Summit: Enhance Human Experience at the Workplace. Originally scheduled for Ellington Hotel, Berlin, Germany. In 2020, this event will be held online.  https://fleming.events/smart-workspace-design/ or https://fleming.events/events/

June 2-4, 2020 Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians (CAPAL) Conference, 7th. CANCELLED. Western University, London, Ontario, Canada. http://conference.capalibrarians.org/

June 2-4, 2020 Security Professional Conference. Organized by EDUCAUSE. Offered online. https://events.educause.edu/event-finder

June 2-5, 2020 International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd), 6th. Faculty of Business Administration and Management, Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Valencia, Spain. Originally scheduled as a face-to-face event. In 2020, this event will be held online from June 3-5, 2020. http://www.headconf.org/

June 2-5, 2020 Institute on General Education and Assessment. Organized by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U). Offered online. http://www.aacu.org/events

June 2-5, 2020 Institute on High-Impact Practices and Student Success: Enhancing Institutional Capacity for Quality, Equity, and Student Engagement. Organized by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U). Emory Conference Center Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. May be offered online only. http://www.aacu.org/events

June 2-5, 2020 National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Conference and Expo. CANCELLED. Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. http://www.naceweb.org/ConferenceExpo/default.htm

June 2-5, 2020 Learning DevCamp: Collaboration and Learning at Its Best (Creating learning solutions from content to tools to platforms), 7th. POSTPONED until September 14-17, 2020. University of Utah, University Guest House, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. http://learningdevcamp.com/

June 2-6, 2020 Computex: Building Global Technology Ecosystems, 40th. POSTPONED to September 28-30, 2020. (42,495 attendees from 171 countries) Taipei, Taiwan. http://www.computextaipei.com.tw/

June 2-6, 2020 Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) Conference: Play Everywhere. Co-hosted by the Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies (CoE-GameCult) and the game research teams in three universities (Tampere, Turku, and Jyväskylä) Tampere, Finland. https://digra2020.org/ or http://www.digra.org/

June 2-6, 2020 Collegiate Information and Visitor Services (CIVSA) Annual Conference, 27th. CANCELLED. (The next conference will be held June 15-19, 2021 in St. Louis.) Caribe Royale Orlando, Orlando, Florida, USA. http://www.civsa.org/annual-conference/2020-conference/

June 3, 2020 Advance Higher Education (HE) Conference. CANCELLED. Organized by AdvanceHE. Dublin, Ireland. https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/programmes-events/conferences or https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/programmes-events/conferences/advance-he-conference-ireland or https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/programmes-events/covid-19-update-revised-events-programme

June 3-4, 2020 ICT Professionals Leadership Workshop. Organized by Liquid Learning. Offered online. https://liquidlearning.com/events

June 3-4, 2020 United Kingdom Evaluation Society Annual Conference. De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms, London, United Kingdom. https://www.evaluation.org.uk/

June 3-4, 2020 Spotlight on Digital Capabilities. Organized by the Digital Capabilities Group (DCG) and the Digital Education Group (DEG) of the Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association (UCISA). Birmingham Conference and Events Centre, Birmingham, United Kingdom. https://www.ucisa.ac.uk/en/Events/2020/June/Spotlight-on-Digital-Capabilities-2020 or https://www.ucisa.ac.uk/events

June 3-4, 2020 Supported Online Learning for Students Using Technology for Information and Communication in Their Education (SOLSTICE), 13th Conference and Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) Conference, 17th. Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, United Kingdom. https://www.edgehill.ac.uk/solstice/conference/2020-solstice-clt-conference/

June 3-4, 2020 Big Data: Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Analytics Conference and Exposition, 5th. (4,600 attendees) Organized by Corp Agency. Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC), Toronto, Ontario, Canada. https://www.bigdata-toronto.com/2019/

June 3-4, 2020 Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Marketing and Branding Annual Conference: Data Mining, Communications and Marketing, and Enrollment. Offered online. https://www.case.org/conferences-training/annual-conference-marketing-and-branding or http://www.case.org/

June 3-4, 2020 Home Delivery World: Retail Logistics. POSTPONED until October 29-30, 2020. (2,500 attendees) Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA. https://www.terrapinn.com/conference/home-delivery-world/?pk_campaign=listing&pk_kwd=AF&pk_source=terrapinn&pk_medium=link

June 3-5, 2020 International LUMAT Symposium: Research and Practice in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 9th. Originally scheduled to be held at Aalto University, Espoo, Finland. In 2020, will be held online June 3-4, 2020. https://www.luma.fi/en/lumat-2020/

June 3-5, 2020 International Perspectives on University Teaching and Learning Symposium. CANCELLED. Organized by Auburn University. Disney’s Contemporary Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA. http://www.auburn.edu/academic/international/its/ or https://www.eaie.org/community/calendar.html

June 3-5, 2020 Higher Education Innovation Summit: Conversations, Collaboration and Creativity, biennial. POSTPONED until June 2-4, 2021. University of Minnesota Rochester, Rochester, Minnesota, USA. https://r.umn.edu/summit

June 3-5, 2020 Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Integrating Quality Conference, 12th. CANCELLED. Kansas City Marriott Downtown, Kansas City, Missouri, USA. https://www.aamc.org/professional-development/events

June 3-6, 2020 International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE) Conference: Evolving English and the Digital Era, 6th. POSTPONED until June 2-5, 2021. University of Eastern Finland (UEF) Joensuu, Finland. http://www.uef.fi/en/web/isle6

June 3-6, 2020 Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA) Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Meeting. Originally scheduled for Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. In 2020, this event will go online from June 4-September 11, 2020. https://www.naspa.org/events/civic-learning-and-democratic-engagement-meeting2 or https://www.naspa.org/events/page/2

June 3-7, 2020 International Writing across the Curriculum (IWAC) Conference, 15th biennial. POSTPONED to August 4-7, 2021. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. https://wac.colostate.edu/iwac/

June 3, 8 & 12, 2020 Game Not Over: Gamification as a Key to Engagement in Today’s Classroom. Organized by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) Global Network. Offered online. https://events.efmdglobal.org/events/game-not-over/

June 3-30, 2020 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Electronics Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 70th. Originally scheduled February 26-29, 2020 at Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA. The 2020 event will now be offered over an extended time, online. http://www.ectc.net/ or http://www.ectc.net/registration/index.cfm

June 3-July 1, 2020 Writing for Instructional Design and Training Certificate. Organized by the Association for Talent Development (ATD, formerly the American Society for Training and Development, ASTD). Variety of possible dates and locations including online. https://www.td.org/education-courses/search-all-programs or https://www.td.org/education-courses/writing-for-instructional-design-and-training-certificate

June 4, 2020 Behaviour Management 101: What They Didn’t Teach You at University. Presented by Critical Agendas. Offered online. https://www.criticalagendas.com.au/events/behaviour-management-101-what-they-didnt-teach-you-at-university-copy-copy/ or https://www.criticalagendas.com.au/events/?_sft_event-category=1-day-workshops  

June 4, 2020 Introduction to Higher Education. POSTPONED till fall 2020. Organized by the Association of University Administrators (AUA). Innside Hotel, Manchester, United Kingdom. https://aua.ac.uk/events/introduction-to-higher-education/ or https://aua.ac.uk/events/

June 4, 2020 Association of Colleges (AoC) East Curriculum and Quality Network. Suffolk New College, Ipswich Campus, Ipswich, United Kingdom. https://www.aoc.co.uk/events/aoc-east-curriculum-and-quality-network-0 https://www.aoc.co.uk/events

June 4-5, 2020 Teaching and Supporting Students with Diverse Needs. Organized by Critical Agendas Australia. Offered online. https://www.criticalagendas.com.au/events/teaching-and-supporting-students-with-diverse-needs-qld-2020/ or https://www.criticalagendas.com.au/events/?_sft_event-category=conferences

June 4-5, 2020 The Education Show: Learning and Teaching Resources for K-12. POSTPONED to June 4-5, 2021. Organized by the International Exhibition and Conference Group. Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia. https://www.theeducationshow.com.au/ or https://iecgroup.com.au/?portfolio=the-education-show

June 4-5, 2020 Efficiency and Responsibility in Education Conference, 16th. Organized by the Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic. http://erie.pef.czu.cz/ or https://erie.v2.czu.cz/en/r-13310-about-the-conference

June 4-5, 2020 Enhancing European Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training (VET) – Looking Back, Planning Ahead. Organized by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. The original face-to-face event scheduled for Thessaloniki, Greece will now be offered online from June 30-July 1, 2020. https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/events-and-projects/events/enhancing-european-cooperation-vet-looking-back-planning-ahead or https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/events-and-projects/events

June 4-5, 2020 American Association of University Administrators (AAUA) Leadership Seminar: Meeting Higher Education’s Challenges of 2020 and Beyond. CANCELLED (But, will be offered June 10-11, 2021 at the same location.) Marriott Stanton South Beach Hotel, Miami Beach, Florida, USA. http://www.aaua.org/meetings.htm

June 4-5, 2020 Bridging the Print + Digital Publishing Divide Conference (PePcon covering PDF, ePUB, HTML5, InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator). Austin, Texas, USA. http://pepcon.com/

June 4-5, 2020 Assurance of Learning Seminar II. Organized by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). CANCELLED. Tampa, Florida, USA. https://www.aacsb.edu/events/

June 4-7, 2020 Adult Education in Global Times: An International Research Conference. CANCELLED. Primarily hosted by the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE). Partnering organizations include the Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), the European Society for Research in the Education of Adults (ESREA), and the Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (SCUTREA). University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. https://edst.educ.ubc.ca/aegt2020/ or http://www.casae-aceea.ca/ or https://newprairiepress.org/aerc/ or https://www.esrea.org/ or http://www.scutrea.ac.uk/

June 5, 2020 New England Faculty Development Consortium (NEFDC) Spring Conference: Students as Partners in Learning Design. CANCELLED. Northern Essex Community College, Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA. https://nefdc.org/conferences/

June 5-6, 2020 International Association of Facilitators (IAF) Facilitation Event. Istanbul, Turkey. https://www.iaf-world.org/site/events or https://www.iaf-world.org/site/events/iaf-facilitation-event-2020

June 5-6, 2020 Continuous Improvement Assessment Forum (CIAF). CANCELLED. Organized by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). ABET Headquarters, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. https://www.abet.org/continuous-improvement-assessment-forum-ciaf-6-5-2020/

June 5-7, 2020 Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) Computer Assisted Language Learning Conference (CALL). Originally scheduled for Hirosaki Gakuen University, Hirosaki, Aomori, Japan. In 2020, will be held online. http://jaltcall.org/events/ or https://conference2020.jaltcall.org/

June 5-8, 2020 International Conference on Frontiers of Educational Technologies (ICFET), 6th. CANCELLED. Organized by the International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology. Tokyo, Japan. http://www.icfet.org/

June 6-8, 2020 GlobalMindED: Creating a Capable, Diverse Talent Pipeline. Sheraton Denver Downtown, Denver, Colorado, USA. http://www.globalminded.org/ or https://globalminded.org/annual-conference/2020-program/

June 6-9, 2020 Special Libraries Association (SLA) Annual Conference. POSTPONED to October 15-18, 2020. Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. https://connect.sla.org/ac2020/welcometocharlotte or https://www.sla.org/attend/future-conference-locations/

June 6-10, 2020 World Association for Cooperative Education (WACE) International Research Symposium, 4th biennial. CANCELLED. University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland. http://www.waceinc.org/calendar.html or https://www.waceinc.org/limerick2020/index.html

July 6-10, 2020 Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA): Excellent in Mathematics Education – Foundations and Pathways, 43rd. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. https://www.merga.net.au/ or https://www.merga.net.au/Public/Public/Events/Annual_Conference.aspx

June 7-9, 2020 European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) Annual Conference: Embracing the Future – A New Mandate for Business Schools. POSTPONED to August 30-September 1, 2020 Lyon, France. http://www.efmd.org/events or https://events.efmdglobal.org/events/2020-efmd-annual-conference/

June 7-9, 2020 Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA) Region II Annual Conference. POSTPONED till June 2021. Niagara Falls, New York, USA. https://www.naspa.org/events/naspa-region-ii-annual-conference or https://www.naspa.org/events

June 7-10, 2020 International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) Innovation Conference, 31st. Originally scheduled for the Ellington Hotel Berlin, Berlin Germany. In 2020, the event will be offered online. https://www.ispim-innovation.com/events or https://www.ispim-innovation-conference.com/

June 7-10, 2020 Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (EESD): Building Flourishing Communities, 10th. POSTPONED to June 13-16, 2021. School of Engineering, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. https://www.eesd2020.org/

June 7-10, 2020 Career Education Colleges and Universities (CECU, formerly the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities, APSCU) Annual Convention. CANCELLED. (But, a virtual form of the event is being considered.) Swan and Dolphin Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA. http://www.cecuevents.org/ or http://www.cecuevents.org/convention/

June 7-10, 2020 National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Professional Learning Institute, 29th. CANCELLED. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. https://www.naeyc.org/events/future-dates

June 7-10, 2020 American Evaluation Association (AEA) Summer Evaluation Institute – Finding Your Path in Evaluation. CANCELLED. Sheraton Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. https://www.eval.org/p/cm/ld/fid=754

June 7-11, 2020 International Conference on Communications (ICC) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): Communications Enabling Shared Understanding. Originally scheduled for Dublin, Ireland. In 2020, this event will be held online. http://www.ieee-icc.org/ or https://icc2020.ieee-icc.org/

June 7-11, 2020 Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL) Conference: Design Thinking in Libraries, Archives and Museums – Revolutionizing the Way We Do Business, 50th. POSTPONED until 2021. Beach Tower Hotel, Atlantis Resort, Bahamas, Nassau. https://acuril.org/

June 7-11, 2020 Association Supporting Computer Users in Education (ASCUE) Conference: Collaborate, Innovate, Creativity, 53rd. CANCELLED. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA. http://ascue.org/

June 7-12, 2020 Display Week. Organized by the Society for Information Display (SID). POSTPONED to August 2-7, 2020 (But in a new location, San Jose.) Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, California, USA. http://www.displayweek.org/ or http://www.sid.org/

June 8, 2020 Succeeding as a Remote Worker in 90 Minutes. Offered online. https://learning.oreilly.com/live-training/

June 8-9, 2020 European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) General Assembly and Annual Conference. Originally scheduled for Bratislava, Slovakia. In 2020, the event will now be held online. https://eaea.org/event/eaea-annual-conference-grundtvig-award-ceremony-and-general-assembly-2020-access-and-outreach/ or https://eaea.org/

June 8-9, 2020 Canadian Knowledge Mobilization Forum. Sponsored by the Institute for Knowledge Mobilization. Canadian Museum of Immigration, Pier 21, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. http://www.knowledgemobilization.net/forum/

June 8-9, 2020 EmTech Next. Hosted by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Technology Review. Offered online. https://emtech.technologyreview.com/emtech-next-2020/ or https://events.technologyreview.com/events/

June 8-9, 2020 Learning Summit. POSTPONED until October 5-6, 2020. Organized by the League for Innovation in the Community College. Hosted by the Maricopa County Community College District. Gilbert, Arizona, USA. https://www.league.org/ls2020az or https://www.league.org/events

June 8-10, 2020 Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI). POSTPONED. Co-hosted by New York University and Teachers College Columbia University, New York City, New York, USA. https://www.solaresearch.org/events/lasi/lasi20/

June 8-10, 2020 Addressing Student Mental Health: A Comprehensive Approach. Offered online. https://www.academicimpressions.com/mental-health-institute-for-deans-of-students/ or https://www.academicimpressions.com/trainings/?fwp_product_categories=virtual-conference

June 8-11, 2020 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR). POSTPONED to October 26-29, 2020. Radisson Blu Hotel, Dublin, Ireland. http://www.icmr2020.org/

June 8-11, 2020 University-Industry Interaction. Organized by the University Innovation Network. In 2020, the conference will be held online. http://www.university-industry.com/ or https://www.eaie.org/community/calendar.html

June 8-11, 2020 Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AALHE) Annual Conference, 10th annual. Originally scheduled to be held at the Sheraton Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. In 2020, this event will be held online from June 8-19, 2020 https://www.aalhe.org/2020-conference

June 8-11, 2020 EDUCAUSE Institute Learning Technology Leadership Program. Originally scheduled for Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. Likely to be offered online. (However, this event was no longer listed on the EDUCAUSE webpage just before this conference list was released.) https://events.educause.edu/event-finder

June 8-11, 2020 International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 14th.The physical conference has been cancelled at Atlanta, Georgia, USA. However, an online conference is planned. https://www.icwsm.org/2020/

June 8-12, 2020 South East Asia Pacific Audio Visual Archives Association (SEAPAVAA) Conference: Memory, History, and Archives, 24th. CANCELLED. Hosted by the Vietnam Film Institute. Da Nang, Vietnam. http://seapavaaconference.com/ or http://www.ccaaa.org/

June 8-12, 2020 London Tech Week: Be Part of the Future – Uniting Tech and Talent in a World-Class Hub of Innovation. POSTPONED to September 2-10, 2020. London, United Kingdom. However during the original dates, June 8-12, the organizers will host a series of sessions under the umbrella “Power of Collaboration and Resilience of the Tech Ecosystems and Its Effect on Our Global Community”. https://londontechweek.com/

June 8-12, 2020 The Networking Conference (TNC): Making Waves, 36th. CANCELLED. Hosted by Joint Information Systems Committee (Jisc), the United Kingdom’s National Research and Education Network organization. Brighton, United Kingdom. https://tnc20.geant.org/

June 8-12, 2020 Teaching to Increase Diversity and Equity in STEM (TIDES). (STEM = science, technology, engineering and mathematics) Organized by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U). Lansdowne Resort and Conference Center, Leesburg, Virginia, USA. http://www.aacu.org/events or https://www.aacu.org/2020-TIDES

June 8-12, 2020 Driving Cybersecurity Change: Establishing a Culture of Protect, Detect and Respond. Offered online. https://www.sans.org/information-security-training/by-location/north-americao or https://www.sans.org/vlive/details/mgt521-jun-2020-lance-spitzner

June 8-14, 2020 New to Online, Essentials Part II: Converting Your Course. Organized by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Offered online. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/olc-new-institute-schedule/

June 8-14, 2020 Applying Universal Design for Learning Principles to Online Courses to Increase Accessibility and Engagement. Organized by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Offered online. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/olc-new-institute-schedule/

June 8-14, 2020 Strategies for Supporting Online Faculty. Organized by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Offered online. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/olc-new-institute-schedule/

June 8-14, 2020 Designing Gamified Learning Environments. Organized by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Offered online. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/olc-new-institute-schedule/

June 8-19, 2020 Digital Leaders Virtual Summit.  (The event will include 128 presenters covering 24 topics including cyber resilience, data analytics, and emerging technologies.) Offered online. https://digileaders.com/two-weeks-in-june-and-a-week-in-october/ or https://virtual.digileaders.com/

June 8-July 3, 2020 Proving and Improving: Foundations of First Year Assessment. Organized by the National Resource Center, First-Year Experience and Students in Transition. Offered online. https://sc.edu/about/offices_and_divisions/national_resource_center/events/index.php or https://sc.edu/about/offices_and_divisions/national_resource_center/events/online_courses/index.php

June 9-10, 2020 Chief Information Officer (CIO) Summit: Leading Digital and Technology Driven Disruption. Auckland, New Zealand. https://www.ciosummit.co.nz/

June 9-10, 2020 Future EdTech: Transforming Life in Education – Innovate, Engage, Evolve. Originally scheduled for London, United Kingdom. In 2020, this will be held online for June 9, 2020. http://futureedtech.com/ or https://tmt.knect365.com/future-edtech/

June 9-11, 2020 Developing and Implementing a Research Strategy. Organized by the Center for Learning Innovations and Customized Knowledge Solutions (CLICKS). Pullman Dubai City Center, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. http://www.cli-cks.com/schedule-of-public-capacity-building-programs-for-the-academic-year-2019-20/

June 9-11, 2020 Identity Week: Global, Trusted, Visionary. POSTPONED until November 17-18, 2020. (3,500 attendees) ExCeL, London, United Kingdom. https://www.terrapinn.com/exhibition/identity-week/index.stm

June 9-11, 2020 Professional Learning Communities at Work Institute. (PLC = “ongoing process in which educators work collaboratively in recurring cycles of collective inquiry and action research to achieve better results for the students they serve”.) This event is held at different times and locations including Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. https://www.solutiontree.com/events.html?limit=25&p=3 or https://www.solutiontree.com/events/plc-at-work-institute-las-vegas.html

June 9-11, 2020 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3): The Future of Video Games. CANCELLED. (But, the event will return in 2021.) Organized by the Entertainment Software Association. Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, California, USA. https://www.e3expo.com/ or http://www.gamesindustry.biz/network/events

June 9-11, 2020. ConnecTech Asia: Empowering the Digital Economy. POSTPONED to September 29-October 1, 2020. (35,000 attendees) Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. http://www.communicasia.com/ or https://www.connectechasia.com/communic-asia.html

June 9-12, 2020 Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) Conference: Guiding the Journey – Learner – Teacher – Learner, 40th annual. CANCELLED. Will be held June 15-18, 2021 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. https://www.stlhe.ca/conferences-events/stlhe-annual-conference/

June 9-12, 2020 Global Internship Conference: Internship Ability – Accessibility, Scalability, Sustainability. CANCELLED, (But, some content will be offered online.) Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. http://globalinternshipconference.com/ or https://www.aieaworld.org/upcoming-conferences or https://www.aieaworld.org/upcoming-conferences#conferences2020

June 9-12, 2020 Information Technology in Academic Medicine Conference. CANCELLED. Organized by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Group on Information Resources (GIR). The Roosevelt Hotel, New York City, New York, USA. https://www.aamc.org/professional-development/events

June 9-13, 2020 International Language Testing Association. Assessment in Multilingual Contexts – Models, Practices, Policies and Challenges. Hammamet, Tunisia. https://www.iltaonline.com/page/LTRC2020STD

June 10, 2020 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Security Crash Course. Offered online. https://learning.oreilly.com/live-training/

June 10-11, 2020 ICT Professionals Leadership Workshop. Organized by Liquid Learning. Offered online. https://liquidlearning.com/events

June 10-11, 2020 Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Festival of Work (Incorporating the Human Resources Software and Recruitment Show, and the Learning and Development Show, 7,000+ attendees). Olympia London, London, United Kingdom. https://www.festivalofwork.com/ or https://events.cipd.co.uk/events/

June 10-11, 2020 Gartner Enterprise Architecture and Technology Innovation Summit. London, United Kingdom. https://www.gartner.com/en/conferences/calendar

June 10-11, 2020 Gartner Program and Portfolio Management Summit. London, United Kingdom. https://www.gartner.com/en/conferences/calendar

June 10-11, 2020 TechXLR8: Accelerating Business Transformation with Technology. POSTPONED until September 2-3, 2020. ExCeL, London, United Kingdom. https://tmt.knect365.com/techxlr8/

June 10-11, 2020 Cloud and Devops World Forum: Drive Business Growth, Streamline Enterprise, Innovate Your Future, 11th. POSTPONED until September 2-3, 2020. Co-located with TechXLR8. ExCeL, London, United Kingdom. https://tmt.knect365.com/cloud-devops-world/ or http://cloudwf.com/

June 10-11, 2020 Learning Experience Design Online Conference. Organized by The Learning Guild (Formerly, the eLearning Guild). Offered online. https://www.elearningguild.com/online-conferences/content/5842/online-conferences-home

June 10-12, 2020 International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations: Urban Diversities – Exclusion and Inclusion of Immigrants and Refugees at the Local Level, 20th. Originally the event was scheduled to be held at the University of Milan, Milan, Italy. In 2020, this event will be held online. https://ondiversity.com/2020-conference

June 10-12, 2020 European University Information Systems (EUNIS) Congress, 21st. CANCELLED. Helsinki, Finland. https://www.eunis.org/eunis2020/ or http://www.eunis.org/events/eunis-congress/

June 10-12 2020 World Forum Principles of Scientific Publication. Hosted by Polytechnique Montréal. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. https://www.polymtl.ca/authorship/en or https://publicationethics.org/events/world-forum-principles-scientific-publication

June 10-12, 2020 British Columbia Council for International Education (BCCIE), 11th. CANCELLED. Fairmont Hotel, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. http://bccie.bc.ca/events/summer-conference/ or https://www.eaie.org/community/calendar.html

June 10-12, 2020 Edu Data Summit: Intersection of Big Data, Predictive Analytics, Learning Analytics, and Education. POSTPONED to June 8-11, 2021. Delegates Dining Room at the United Nations, New York City, New York, USA. http://www.edudatasummit.com/

June 10-12, 2020 Deshpande Symposium for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Higher Education, 9th annual. Originally scheduled to be held in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. In 2020, this event will be held online. http://www.deshpandesymposium.org/

June 10-12, 2020 Big 12 Teaching and Learning Conference: Advancing Student Learning and Retention, 7th annual. CANCELLED. University of Kansas, Overland Park, Kansas, USA. https://edwardscampus.ku.edu/big-12

June 10-12, 2020 International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace (ICELW), 13th annual. Originally scheduled for Columbia University, New York City, New York, USA. In 2020, this event will be held online. http://www.icelw.org/

June 10-12, 2020 Creating an Interactive Syllabus. Organized by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Offered online. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/olc-new-institute-schedule/

June 10-12, 2020 STEM Institute for Student Success and Retention. Offered online. https://www.academicimpressions.com/stem-institute-for-retention/ or https://www.academicimpressions.com/trainings/?fwp_product_categories=virtual-conference

June 10-17, 2020 Impactful Leadership: Vision, Purpose and Creating a Pathway for Change. Organized by the Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL). Offered online. https://www.acel.org.au/acel/ACELWEB/Active/Event_Display.aspx?EventKey=20ERWEB&WebsiteKey=20e11af7-b4d0-4ed8-b16e-21ea248da601 or http://www.acel.org.au/acel/ACELWEB/Events/Event_Index/ACELWEB/Active/Events_List.aspx?hkey=dd624a67-ae56-4b71-bd28-8ad033ce17bc

June 10-July 15, 2020 Consulting Skills Certificate. Organized by the Association for Talent Development (ATD, formerly the American Society for Training and Development, ASTD). Variety of possible dates. Offered online. https://www.td.org/education/search-all-programs or https://www.td.org/education-courses/consulting-skills-certificate

June 11-12, 2020 Australian Curriculum Studies Association (ACSA) Symposium: Reimaging the Curriculum – Achieving Educational Goals through Practice, biennial. CANCELLED. (However, the event will be held in 2021.) Hotel Grand Chancellor, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. https://www.acsa.edu.au/pages/page10.asp or https://www.symposium.acsa.edu.au/

June 11-12, 2020 FLIP+ e-Assessment Conference. Originally scheduled for Luxembourg. In 2020, this event will be held online. https://flip-plus.org/ or http://flip-initiative.org/

June 11-12, 2020 Continuous Improvement Review Seminar by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). One session for Asia Pacific. Another Session for Americas, Europe and the Middle East. Offered online. https://www.aacsb.edu/events/seminars/continuous-improvement-review

June 11-13, 2020 ECSITE (European Network of Science Centres and Museums) Annual Conference: Echoes from the Future. CANCELLED. Hosted by the Kershikova Institute. Ljubljana, Slovenia. https://www.ecsite.eu/annual-conference

June 11-13, 2020 Viva Technology: For Startups and Leaders. CANCELLED (But, the event will take place in spring 2021.) (124,000 attendees, 13,000 startups). Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, Paris, France. https://vivatechnology.com/

June 11-13, 2020 International Conference on e-Society, e-Learning and e-Technologies (ICSLT), 6th. (This event was postponed from January 9-11, 2020) Hosted by the University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, United Kingdom. http://www.icslt.org/

June 11-13, 2020 Association of Canadian Archivists: 20/20 Vision – Seeing Archives Differently, 45th annual. Originally scheduled for the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. In 2020, this event will be held online, June 11-12, 2020. https://archivists.ca/2020-Annual-Conference

June 11-13, 2020 Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education(NASPA) Vice Presidents for Student Affairs Summer Convening. San Diego, California, USA. https://www.naspa.org/events/the-summit-naspa-vpsa-summer-convening1 or https://www.naspa.org/events

June 11-14, 2020 European Association of Science Editors (EASE) General Assembly and Conference: Promoting Sustainability and Diversity in Research – The Role of Editors, 15th biennial.  POSTPONED until June 11-13, 2021. Valencia, Spain. https://ease.org.uk/ease-events/15th-ease-conference-valencia-2020/

June 11-14, 2020 Bernard College Annual Faculty Institute. 20th. Bernard College, Columbia University, New York City, New York, USA. https://reacting.barnard.edu/events2/upcoming

June 11-14, 2020 Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA) Region III Summer Symposium. Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA. https://www.naspa.org/events/naspa-region-iii-summer-symposium or https://www.naspa.org/events

June 11-16, 2020 Facilitating Virtual Training Certificate. Organized by the Association for Talent Development (ATD, formerly the American Society for Training and Development, ASTD). Variety of possible dates. Offered online. https://www.td.org/education/search-all-programs or https://www.td.org/education-courses/facilitating-virtual-training-certificate

June 12, 2020 Cybersecurity Offensive and Defensive Techniques in Three Hours. Offered online. https://learning.oreilly.com/live-training/

June 12-13, 2020 Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA) Institute for International School Nurses and Medical Workers. International School of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya. https://aisa.or.ke/All-AISA-Events or https://aisa.or.ke/event-3470770

June 12-13, 2020 Textbook and Academic Authoring Annual Conference: Education, Inspiration, Networking, 33rd annual. CANCELLED. Organized by the Text and Academic Authors Association. San Diego, California. USA. http://www.taaonline.net/ or http://www.taaonline.net/taa-conference

June 12-14, 2020 South China International Early Childhood Education Exhibition, 11th. Pazhou Poly World Trade Expo Center, Guangzhou, China. http://www.kidsexpochina.com/

June 12-15, 2020 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference. (Focuses on the scholarship, teaching and practice of management) Originally scheduled for Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador. In 2020, this event will be held online. http://www.asac.ca/

June 12-15, 2020 Canadian Health Libraries Association Annual Conference: Vision 20/20. CANCELLED. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. https://www.chla-absc.ca/annual_conference.php

June 13-14, 2020 Maker Faire Prague (Festival focused on invention, creativity and resourcefulness. Event occurs at different times and locations in Asia, Europe, and North America.) Prague, Czech Republic. http://makerfaire.com/

June 13-15, 2020 Association of American University Presses (AAUP) Conference, 84th. CANCELLED (But, some form of an online event may occur.) The Westin Hotel, Seattle, Washington, USA. http://www.aaupnet.org/

June 13-17 2020 Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) Conference: Evaluation Use – Achieving Our Potential? POSTPONED until 2001. Ottawa, Ontario Canada. https://evaluationcanada.ca/

June 13-17, 2020 European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW): The International Venue on Practice-centered Computing and the Design of Cooperative Technologies, 18th. Originally scheduled for Siegen, Germany. In 2020, this event will be held online.  https://www.designresearchsociety.org/event_list?current_page=5&sort_type=upcoming&filter%5Bperiod%5D=all&display_type=default or https://ecscw.eusset.eu/2020/

June 13-19, 2020 InfoComm (Professional audiovisual conference and marketplace). CANCELLED (But, some form of a virtual offering will be held June 16-18, 2020.) Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. http://www.infocommshow.org/ or https://www.avixa.org/events

June 13-20, 2020 SANSFIRE Cyber Security Training. Washington, D.C., USA. https://www.sans.org/information-security-training/by-location/north-america

June 14-15, 2020 Tertiary Studies and Careers Expo incorporating the South Australia Work and Skills Expo, 11th annual. CANCELLED. (2021 dates to be announced.) Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. http://www.careersevent.com/tscea/ or https://www.careersevent.com/event/adelaide-careers-event/

June 14-16, 2020 Canadian University Business Officers (CAUBO) Annual Conference: Where Innovation Thrives. CANCELLED (However, the event will be held May 30-June 1, 2021 in Montreal.) Toronto, Ontario, Canada. https://www.caubo.ca/ or https://www.caubo.ca/knowledge-centre/learningevents/annual-conference/

June 14-16, 2020 National Association of State Directors of Teaching Education and Certification (NASDTEC), 92nd annual. CANCELLED (In 2021, the event will be held June 13-15 in Savannah, Georgia.) Hyatt Regency Boston, Massachusetts, USA. http://www.nasdtec.net/ or http://www.nasdtec.net/?page=FutureEvents

June 14-17, 2020 International Telecommunications Society (ITS) Biennial Conference: Digital Societies and Industrial Transformation – Policies, Markets and Technologies, 23rd. POSTPONED until June 20-23, 2021. Gothenburg, Sweden. http://www.itsworld.org/ or https://www.itsworld.org/events-calendar/

June 14-18, 2020 Pacific Northwest Great Teaching Seminar, 41st annual. Organized by Umpqua Community College. Menucha Retreat and Conference Center, Corbett, Oregon, USA. https://www.pcc.edu/about/events/great-teaching-seminar/

June 14-26, 2020 Institute for Management and Leadership in Education. CANCELLED. (A program will be offered in 2021.) Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. http://www.gse.harvard.edu/ppe/program/institute-management-and-leadership-education-mle

June 14-August 1, 2020 Summer Enrichment Courses: Developing and Teaching an Online Course, Managing Your Online Classroom, Preparing to Teach Online, Evaluating Online Teaching. Organized by Magna Publications. Offered online. https://www.magnapubs.com/summer-enrichment-courses-2020/

June 15-16, 2020 Association of Visual Pedagogies (AVP) Conference: Visual Worlds of Education, 5th. POSTPONED to 2021. Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), Bergen, Norway.  https://visualpedagogies.com/2019-conference-2-2/ or https://www.hvl.no/en/research/conference/shaping-visuality–innovation-and-formation-in-education/

June 15-17, 2020 European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS): Liberty, Equality and Fraternity in a Digitizing World. CANCELLED. Marrakech, Morocco.https://ecis2020.ma/

June 15-17, 2020 International Conference on Universal Design, 5th. POSTPONED until June 9-11, 2021. Undergraduate Center, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland. https://ud2020.aalto.fi/

June 15-17, 2020 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation Conference (ICE/IEEE ITMC): Digitization through Digital Twins – Innovation in the Analysis and Management of Environmental and Physical Engineered Complex, 26th. (IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society, ITEMS). Was scheduled to be held at Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom. Conference will now be held online. http://www.ice-conference.org/ or https://www.ice-conference2020.org/

June 15-17, 2020 QCon New York Software Development International Conference, 9th. Organized by InfoQ. New York Marriott Marquis, New York City, New York, USA. https://qconnewyork.com/

June 15-17, 2020 Executive Leadership Academy. Organized by the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC). Originally scheduled for Washington, D.C., USA. In 2020, will be held online June 25-26, 2020. https://www.cic.edu/programs/executive-leadership-academy or https://www.cic.edu/programs#

June 15-17, 2020 University Business Tech (UBTech): National Summit on AV and IT Solutions. CANCELLED. MGM Grand, Las Vegas, USA.http://ubtechconference.com/

June 15-17, 2020 Campus Safety West Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. https://campussafetyconference.com/

June 15-17, 2020 National Conference on Student Assessment: Measure What Matters and Create Accountability for Equity. CANCELLED. Organized by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). Sheraton Denver Downtown, Denver, Colorado, USA. https://ccsso.org/ncsa or https://ccsso.confex.com/ccsso/NCSA2020/cfp.cgi

June 15-17, 2020 Continuing Education: Leading Innovation and Change. Offered online.

https://www.academicimpressions.com/continuing-education-leading-innovation-and-change/ or https://www.academicimpressions.com/trainings/?fwp_product_categories=virtual-conference

June 15-18, 2020 International Conference on Thinking. CANCELLED. Johannesburg, South Africa.  (In 2021, the event will be held in Australia. In 2022, the event will be held in South Africa.) https://icot2020.org/

June 15-18, 2020 International Consortium for Educational Development Conference: The Future-Ready Graduate, biennial. CANCELLED. Zurich, Switzerland. http://icedonline.net/ or http://iced2020.ch/

June 15-18, 2020 International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), 8th. POSTPONED to November 30-December 3, 2020. Oldenburg, Germany. http://www.ieee-ichi.org/

June 15-18, 2020 International Symposium on World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), 21st. POSTPONED until August 31-September 3, 2020. Cork, Ireland. http://www.cs.ucc.ie/wowmom2020/

June 15-18, 2020 Canadian Higher Education and Information Technology (CANHEIT) Conference. POSTPONED until 2021. Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. www.canheit.ca

June 15-18, 2020 Innovate Education Colorado (InnEdCo, formerly Technology in Education): Inspiring Digital Age Teaching and Learning. CANCELLED. Keystone Resort and Conference Center, Keystone, Colorado, USA. http://tiecolorado.org/

June 15-18, 2020 Best Teachers International Summer Institute: What the Best College Teachers Do, 23rd annual. CANCELLED. Wilshire Grand Hotel, West Orange, New Jersey, USA. http://www.bestteachersinstitute.org/summer-institute/

June 15-19, 2020 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC): Internet of Everything, 16th. Originally scheduled to be held at St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus. In 2020, the event will be held online. https://iwcmc.org/2020/

June 15-19, 2020 Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE) Conference, 25th annual. Sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE). Hosted by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the Centre for Excellent IT Education (Excited). Trondheim, Norway. https://iticse.acm.org/ or https://iticse.acm.org/drupal/

June 15-19, 2020 Digital Leaders Week (A series of 120+ events taking place across the United Kingdom. Many are offered online.) POSTPONED to October 12-16, 2020. https://digileaders.com/week/

June 15-19, 2020 Open Apereo: The Higher Education Open-Source Conference. (The Apereo Foundation develops and support software such as Opencast and Sakai.) University of Michigan School of Technology, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, also available online. https://www.apereo.org/events or https://www.apereo.org/content/open-apereo-2020-ann-arbor-mi

June 15-19, 2020 Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Digital Scholarship Institute. Hyatt Place Champaign, Champaign, Illinois, USA. https://www.arl.org/events/list/

June 15-21, 2020 New to Online, Essentials Part III: Course Design Basics. Organized by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Offered on different dates, online. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/olc-new-institute-schedule/

June 15-21, 2020 Introduction to Digital Badges. Organized by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Offered online. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/olc-new-institute-schedule/

June 15-21, 2020 Creating YouTube Videos for Teaching and Learning. Organized by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Offered on different dates, online. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/olc-new-institute-schedule/ or https://my.onlinelearningconsortium.org/s/events#/events/smallIcons

June 15-21, 2020 Fundamentals: Engaging Learners in Online Discussions. Organized by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Offered on different dates, online. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/olc-new-institute-schedule/

June 15-22, 2020 EdTech Week. (40+ events around London, 6,000 attendees) London, United Kingdom. http://londonedtechweek.com/

June 15-26, 2020 Online Learning (previously, SloanConsortium (OLC) OLC Innovate and MERLOT Joint Conference. Previously scheduled for March 31-April 3, 2020 then July 21-24, 2020 at the. Sheraton Grand Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA. This event will now be offered online. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/attend-2020/innovate/ or http://onlinelearningconsortium.org/annualconferences

June 15-July 27, 2020 EDUCAUSE Institute New IT Managers Program. Offered online. https://events.educause.edu/event-finder

June 16, 2020 Effective Pedagogy High Impact Strategies. POSTPONED (But, an online version is available.) Rydges Hotel, Hobart, Australia. https://www.powerfulpartnerships.com.au/effective-pedagogy

June 16, 2020 Teaching and Learning Conference, 10th, annual. CANCELLED. College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, Minnesota, USA. http://www.css.edu/about/conferences-and-camps/conferences/teaching-and-learning-conference.html

June 16-17, 2020 Micro-Credentialing in Higher Education Workshop. Organized by Liquid Learning. Offered online. https://liquidlearning.com/events

June 16-17, 2020 Going Online: A Strategic Compass. POSTPONED until fall 2020. Organized by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) Global Network. Hosted by the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. https://events.efmdglobal.org/events/going-online-a-strategic-compass-2/

June 16-17, 2020 Next Stage – Developing a Sustainable Online Strategy. Organized by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) Global Network. Offered online. https://events.efmdglobal.org/events/virtual-workshop/

June 16-17, 2020 Emerging Technologies Leadership Forum: Connect, Learn, Lead. Organized by the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA). Originally scheduled to be held June 26-27, 2020 at the Anaheim Marriott, Anaheim, California, USA. In 2020, this event will now be held online, June 16-17, 2020. http://www.setda.org/events/ or https://www.setda.org/events/conferences/etlf2020/

June 16-18, 2020 Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo. POSTPONED. Messe Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany. https://www.autonomousvehicletechnologyexpo.com/en/

June 16-18, 2020 Canadian Campus Card Conference (CCCC). University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. https://naccu.org/page/2020cccc

June 16-18, 2020 Training Industry Conference and Expo (TICE). POSTPONED to September 14-16, 2020. Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. https://trainingindustry.com//tice/

June 16-18, 2020 Problem Based Learning (PBL) World. Originally scheduled to be held in Napa, California, USA. Now, will be offered online. https://www.pblworks.org/ or http://www.pblworld.org/events/pbl-world-2020/event-summary-5237d171cf6a4019a052b634e39c2096.aspx

June 16-19, 2020 North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA): Hot Chile, Cool Learning, Conference, 66th annual. Originally scheduled for New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA. In 2020, this event will be held online.  https://www.nactateachers.org/index.php/upcoming-conferences

June 16-19, 2020 Institute on Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation Campus Centers. Organized by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U). Originally scheduled for Emory Conference Center Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. In 2020, this event will be held online. http://www.aacu.org/events

June 16-19, 2020 Higher Education Case Managers Association (HECMA) Conference: Bridging the Future and Today – Inspiring Limitless Horizons in Higher Education Case Management. POSTPONED until 2021. Hilton Portland Downtown, Portland, Oregon, USA. https://www.hecmaconference.org/ or https://www.hecma.org/hecma-conference-2020/

June 16-July 14, 2020 Articulate Storyline Certificate. Organized by the Association for Talent Development (ATD, formerly the American Society for Training and Development, ASTD). Variety of possible dates. Offered online and in Chicago and New York City. https://www.td.org/education/search-all-programs or https://www.td.org/education-courses/articulate-storyline-certificate

June 17, 2020 Understanding Copyright. Organized by the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP). Offered online. https://www.alpsp.org/Events-Training

June 17, 2020 Creating Purposeful Individual Learning Plans. Presented by Critical Agendas. Offered online. https://www.criticalagendas.com.au/events/creating-purposeful-individual-learning-plans-copy-copy-copy/ or https://www.criticalagendas.com.au/events/?_sft_event-category=1-day-workshops

June 17-18, 2020 Media and Learning (Highlights pedagogical and technical developments in video-supported learning). POSTPONED until October 12-13, 2020. Stuk, Leuven, Belgium. http://www.media-and-learning.eu/

June 17-18, 2020 IdentityNORTH Annual Summit: Digital ID and Authentication. Originally scheduled for Telus Tower, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. In 2020, this event will be offered online. https://www.identitynorth.ca/ or https://www.identitynorth.ca/events/identitynorth2020/

June 17-18, 2020 Training and Simulation Industry Symposium (TSIS). Originally scheduled to be held at the Rosen Centre Hotel, Orlando, Florida, USA. In 2020, will be held online June 16-19, 2020. https://www.trainingsystems.org/events or https://www.trainingsystems.org/events/2020/6/16/01t0

June 17-19, 2020 Education and School Trade Show (EDIX). International Exhibition Center (INTEX), Osaka, Japan. https://www.edix-expo.jp/en-gb/about.html

June 17-19, 2020 International Conference on Digital Government Research: Intelligent Government in the Intelligent information Society, 21st annual. Seoul National Government in the Intelligent Information Society. Originally scheduled to be held in Seoul, Korea. In 2020, this event will be held online. http://dgsociety.org/

June 17-19, 2020 Hong Kong Association for Educational Communications and Technology (HKAECT) International Conference: Environment and Design – Current and Future. Main Library, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. http://www.hkaect.org/hkaect2020/

June 17-19, 2020 Rift Valley Technical Training Institute (RVTTI) International Conference: Safeguarding Sustainability Gains in TVET – Prospects and Challenges, 9th. Eldoret, Kenya. https://rvti.ac.ke/download/call-for-papers-for-9th-rvtti-international-conference/

June 17-19, 2020 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX). Originally scheduled to be held in Barcelona, Spain. In 2020, event will be held online. https://imx.acm.org/2020/

June 17-19, 2020 International Conference on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 17th. POSTPONED to October 7-9, 2020. Sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Systems, 2nd. L’Aquila, Italy. http://www.dcai-conference.net/

June 17-19, 2020 Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) Europe, Middle East, and Africa. CANCELLED. Oslo, Norway. https://www.aacsb.edu/events/conferences

June 17-19, 2020 EDUCAUSE Enterprise Summit: Analytics. Held in collaboration with the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO), the Association for Institutional Research (AIR), and the EDUCAUSE Enterprise IT Program. Originally scheduled for Chicago, Illinois, USA. In 2020, the event will be held online. https://events.educause.edu/event-finder or https://events.educause.edu/enterprise-summit/2020

June 17-19, 2020 Online Teaching Conference (OTC): Empowering the Online Teaching Community for 20 years. Presented by CCCTECHCONNECT. Sponsored by the California Community Colleges Online Education Initiative. Originally scheduled for Pasadena Convention Center Pasadena, California, USA. The 2020 event will now be offered online. http://www.onlineteachingconference.org/

June 17-19, 2020 Creating Rubrics. Organized by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Offered online. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/olc-new-institute-schedule/

June 17-19, 2020 World News Media Congress (WNMC): World Digital Revenue Forum, World Editors Forum, Women in News Summit, 72nd. POSTPONED to September 17-19, 2020. Zaragoza, Spain. https://events.wan-ifra.org/conferences or https://events.wan-ifra.org/events/world-news-media-congress-2020

June 17-20, 2020 VidCon: For People Who Love Online Video, 11th annual. Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California, USA. http://vidcon.com/

June 17-21, 2020 Origins Game Fair, 46th. POSTPONED to October 7-11, 2020. Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio, USA. http://originsgamefair.com/

June 17-July 15, 2020 Certificate in School Management and Leadership: Leading Schools. Presented by Harvard Graduate School of Education. Offered online. https://www.gse.harvard.edu/ppe/program/certificate-school-management-and-leadership or https://www.gse.harvard.edu/ppe/professional-education-online-programs

June 18, 2020 European University Association (EUA) Focus Group Student Entrepreneurship – Learning for Impact. Originally scheduled for University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium. In 2020, the event will be held online. https://eua.eu/events/126-focus-group-student-entrepreneurship.html or https://eua.eu/events.html

June 18, 2020 Introduction to People Management in Publishing. Organized by the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP). Offered online. https://www.alpsp.org/Events-Training

June 18, 2020 Association for Science Education (ASE) Technicians Leadership Programme: Working with and Training Others. Offered online. https://www.ase.org.uk/events/online-cpd-event-ase-technicians-leadership-programme-working-and-training-others

June 18, 2020 EdTechX Europe: Transforming the World of Work Tomorrow through Education Today, 7th. Tobacco Dock, London, United Kingdom. http://ecosystem.edtechxeurope.com/2020-summit-tickets

June 18, 2020 Westminster Higher Education Forum: Priorities for International Research Partnerships. Offered online. https://www.westminsterforumprojects.co.uk/forums/index.php?fid=westminster_higher_education_forum

June 18, 2020 Leveraging Advanced Features of G Suite and Web Tools in the Classroom. Presented by EdTechTeacher. Lincoln Elementary School, Rochelle, Illinois, USA. https://edtechteacher.org/summer/rochelle/

June 18-19, 2020 Primary and Early Childhood Mathematics Education Conference: To Make Mathematics Education Engaging and Relevant for All Students. Organized by the Mathematical Association of Victoria in collaboration with the Melbourne Graduate School of Education’s Mathematics Education Group. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. https://www.mav.vic.edu.au/Conference/2020-Primary-and-Early-Childhood-Mathematics-Education-Conference

June 18-19, 2020 Tertiary Education Women’s Leadership Workshop. Organized by Liquid Learning. Sydney, Australia. https://liquidlearning.com/events

June 18-19, 2020 Leadership for Principals and Aspiring School Leaders Workshop. Organized by Liquid Learning. Sydney, Australia. https://liquidlearning.com/events

June 18-19, 2020 Asia-Pacific EduTeach Conference: Technology and Teaching – Challenges and Issues, 3rd. POSTPONED till November 19-20, 2020. Organized by Unique Conferences Canada. National University of Singapore. Singapore. https://educationconference.info/asia-pacific/

June 18-19, 2020 International Conference on the Future of Education, 10th. Funded by the European Commission. Originally scheduled to be held in Florence, Italy. The 2020 event will now be held online. http://conference.pixel-online.net/FOE/index.php

June 18-19, 2020 European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies (ECRM), 19th. Aveiro, Portugal. (This event may be placed online.) http://www.academic-conferences.org/conferences/ecrm/

June 18-19, 2020 Continuous Improvement Review Seminar. CANCELLED Organized by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Tampa, Florida, USA. https://www.aacsb.edu/events/

June 18-19, 2020 Academy for New Division Heads and Leaders. Organized by Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS). Chicago, Illinois, USA. https://www.isacs.org/professionaldevelopment/conferences-and-workshops

June 18-20, 2020 Senior Leadership Academy. Organized by the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC). Washington, D.C., USA. https://www.cic.edu/programs

June 18-21, 2020 Science Mag Conference. Organized by the International Society of Managing and Technical Editors (ISMTE). Odessa, Ukraine. https://www.ismte.org/events/event_list.asp or https://www.ismte.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1278543&group=

June 18-21, 2020 Minority Faculty Leadership Development Seminar. CANCELLED. Organized by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). InterContinental San Juan, San Juan, Puerto Rico. https://www.aamc.org/meetings/347984/upcomingmeetings.html

June 18-21, 2020 Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) Annual Conference: Fostering Students’ Ownership of Their Learning. CANCELLED. Co-hosted by Concordia University and McGill University. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. https://ceea.ca/en/conferences/

June 18-21, 2020 American Association of University Professors (AAUP) Annual Conference and Biennial Meeting. CANCELLED. DoubleTree Hotel Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia, USA. http://www.aaup.org/get-involved/upcoming-events

June 18-July 30, 2020 Project Management for Learning Professionals. Organized by the Association for Talent Development (ATD, formerly the American Society for Training and Development, ASTD). Variety of possible dates. Offered online. https://www.td.org/education/search-all-programs or https://www.td.org/education-courses/project-management-for-learning-professionals

June 19, 2020 How to Teach Online Effectively Using Zoom. Organized by Contact North. Offered online. https://contactnorth.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_v8Ej91x7QeyAe9goH-Y5XQ

June 19, 2020 Fast and Effective Assessment: How to Improve Feedback and Reduce Correction. Presented by Critical Agendas. Offered online https://www.criticalagendas.com.au/events/?_sft_event-category=1-day-workshops or https://www.criticalagendas.com.au/events/?_sft_event-category=1-day-workshops

June 19, 2020 Creative Uses of Google and Web Tools to Increase Student Engagement. Presented by EdTechTeacher. Lincoln Elementary School, Rochelle, Illinois, USA. https://edtechteacher.org/summer/rochelle/

June 19-20, 2020 National Effective Teaching Institute (NETI-2). Organized by the American Society for Engineering Education. Scheduled for Le Westin Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. In 2020, this event will now be offered online. https://www.asee.org/education-careers/continuing-education/courses-and-workshops/ or https://www.asee.org/education-careers/continuing-education/courses-and-workshops/2020-neti2

June 19-20, 2020 Engagement, Innovation, and Impact Seminar. CANCELLED. Organized by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Tampa, Florida, USA. https://www.aacsb.edu/events/

June 19-21, 2020 International Editors Conference: From Papyrus to Pixels – International Editing Trends, 2nd. CANCELLED (The next conference will be held June 11-13, 2021 in Edmonton, Canada.) Le Centre Sheraton Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. https://www.editors.ca/professional-development/conference/international-editors-conference-2020 or http://www.editors.ca/

June 19-23, 2020 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL): Speedier Innovation, Sustainable Development, Societal Transformation. POSTPONED to August 1-5, 2020. Organized by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)/Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Hosted by the School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei, China.  http://www.jcdl.org/ or http://2020.jcdl.org/ or https://www.computer.org/conferences/calendar

June 19-23, 2020 International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), biennial. Organized by the International Society of the Learning Sciences. Nashville, Tennessee, USA. (May be held online only.) https://www.isls.org/ or https://www.isls.org/conferences/conferences

June 19-July 31, 2020 Change Management Certificate. Organized by the Association for Talent Development (ATD, formerly the American Society for Training and Development, ASTD). Variety of possible dates. Offered online. https://www.td.org/education/search-all-programs or https://www.td.org/education-courses/change-management-certificate

June 20-24, 2020 Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS): Information Systems for the Future, 24th. Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (Most likely will be offered online.) http://www.pacis2020.org/

June 20-26, 2020 Sound and Music Computing (SMC) Conference. Originally, the event was to be held in Torino, Italy. In 2020, the event will be held online. http://smcnetwork.org/ or https://smc2020torino.it/uk/

June 21-23, 2020 Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Annual Presidents’ Meeting. University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. (Unclear whether this event has been cancelled, but the next event will be held June 20-22, 2021 in Singapore.)  https://apru.org/calendar/ or https://apru.org/event/annual-presidents-meeting-2020/

June 21-23, 2020 Global Information Technology Management Association(GITMA)World Conference: Digital Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Transformation 19th. Originally scheduled for Paris, France. In 2020, the event will be held online. http://www.gitma.org/

June 21-24, 2020 European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN) Annual Conference: Human and Artificial Intelligence for the Society of the Future – Inspiring Digital Education for the NEXT STE(A)M Student Generation, 29th annual. Hosted by Politehnica University of Timisoara. Originally scheduled to be held in Timisoara, Romania. In 2020, the conference will be held online. http://www.eden-online.org/ or https://www.eden-online.org/2020_timisoara/

June 21-24, 2020 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition, 127th. (Comprising 400 technical sessions) Originally scheduled for Montreal, Quebec, Canada. In 2020, the conference will be offered online, June 22-26, 2020.  https://www.asee.org/annual-conference/2020 or https://www.asee.org/conferences-and-events/conferences or https://www.asee.org/conferences-and-events/conferences/future-conferences

June 21-25, 2020 Association of Extension Administrators (AEA) System-Wide Conference: Positioning Extension for the Next Generation. Renaissance Orlando at Seaworld, Orlando, Florida, USA. http://1890aea.org/index.php/events/1890-extension-2020-system-wide-conference  

June 21-25, 2020 Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) Conference: Vision 20/20 – Hindsight, Insight, and Foresight in XR and Immersive Learning, 6th. Technically co-sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Education Society. Originally scheduled to be held at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California, USA. The 2020 event will now be held online. https://immersivelrn.org/ilrn2020/

June 21-26, 2020 National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) Academic Advising Summer Institute, 34th annual. POSTPONED until June 2021. Erie, Pennsylvania, USA. http://www.nacada.ksu.edu/Events/Summer-Institutes.aspx

June 22-23, 2020 Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) Co-Lab – Connecting Industry with Business Schools. CANCELLED. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. https://www.aacsb.edu/events/conferences

June 22-23, 2020 Introduction to User Experience Design for Developers and Managers. Offered online. https://vslive.com/events/training-seminars/2020/chicago/home.aspx?utm_source=AttendeeMktg&utm_medium=E-newsletterSponsorship&utm_campaign=VSLATLNL

June 22-24, 2020 Swiss Society for Research in Education (SSRE) Conference: Knowledge at the Intersection of Research, Practices and Learning. POSTPONED to August 31-September 2, 2020. Biel/Bienne, Switzerland. http://www.sgbf.ch/index_en.html or https://events.hep-bejune.ch/en/events/SSRE-Congress-2020/Call-for-papers.html

June 22-24, 2020 Association of Canadian Publishers (ACP) Annual Meeting. Hotel Arts, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. http://publishers.ca/events/

June 22-24, 2020 Open Source Summit and Embedded Linux Conference North America. Austin Texas, USA. https://events19.linuxfoundation.org/upcoming-events/

June 22-24, 2020 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security (IH & MMSec), 8th. Originally scheduled to be held at the University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado, USA. In 2020, the event will now be held online June 22-25, 2020. http://www.ihmmsec.org/

June 22-24, 2020 Annual Conference on Assessment and Grading. Austin, Texas, USA. https://www.solutiontree.com/events.html?limit=25&p=3 or https://www.solutiontree.com/events/assessment-grading-conference-austin.html

June 22-25, 2020 International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE), 16th. Madrid, Spain. http://www.intenv.org/

June 22-25, 2020 Computer Graphics International (CGI), 37th annual. POSTPONED until October 20-23, 2020. Organized by the Computer Graphics Society (CGS) in cooperation with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH). MIRALab, University of Geneva, Switzerland. http://www.cgs-network.org/cgi20/

June 22-25, 2020 Canada International Conference on Education (CICE): Global Issues in Education and Research and the World Congress on Education (WCE). University of Toronto, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. http://www.ciceducation.org/ and http://www.worldconedu.org

June 22-25, 2020 International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA) Annual Conference and Exposition, 62nd. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. https://www.iaclea.org/annual-conference/

June 22-25, 2020 Spark and Artificial Intelligence Summit. Moscone Center West, San Francisco, California, USA. https://databricks.com/sparkaisummit/north-america-2020

June 22-26, 2020 Teaching Vocational Exploration. POSTPONED to June 14-18, 2021. Organized by the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC). Techny Towers Conference and Retreat Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA. https://www.cic.edu/programs/teaching-vocational-exploration or https://www.cic.edu/programs#

June 22-26, 2020 European Association for Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL) Conference: BOAT = Be Open Act Together, 19th. POSTPONED until fall 2020. Lodz, Poland. http://eahil.eu/events/ or http://eahil.eu/events/#.W94Rs9VKi70

June 22-26, 2020 International Conference on Internet of Things. POSTPONED until August 12-14, 2020. Sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. The event may also be available online. http://iciot.org/2020/ or https://www.computer.org/conferences/calendar

June 22-26, 2020 International Conference on Cloud Computing. POSTPONED until August 12-14, 2020. Sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. The event may also be available online. http://www.thecloudcomputing.org/2020/index.html or https://www.computer.org/conferences/calendar

June 22-26, 2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Services. POSTPONED until August 12-14, 2020. Sponsored by Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. May also be held online. http://www.ai1000.org/2020/index.html or https://www.computer.org/conferences/calendar

June 22-28, 2020 Designing Game-Based Learning. Organized by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Offered online. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/olc-new-institute-schedule/

June 22-28, 2020 Creating Infographics for Learning. Organized by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Offered online. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/olc-new-institute-schedule/

June 22-July 8, 2020 ATD Master Instructional Designer Program. Organized by the Association for Talent Development (ATD, formerly the American Society for Training and Development, ASTD). Variety of possible dates. Offered online and in a variety of cities. https://www.td.org/education/search-all-programs or https://www.td.org/education-courses/atd-master-instructional-designer-program

June 22-August 30, 2020 Online Teaching Certificate. Organized by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Offered on different dates, online. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/olc-new-institute-schedule/ or https://my.onlinelearningconsortium.org/s/events#/events/smallIcons

June 23, 2020 Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report: Inclusion and Education – All Means All. Offered online. https://en.unesco.org/events/2020-global-education-monitoring-report-inclusion-and-education-all-means-all-virtual-launch or https://en.unesco.org/events?page=1

June 23, 2020 Association of American Publishers Annual Meeting for Professional and Scholarly Publishing Forum. CANCELLED. Spire, Washington, D.C., USA. https://publishers.org/

June 23, 2020 Storytelling across the Curriculum. Presented by EdTechTeacher. Sacred Heart School, Chicago, Illinois, USA. https://edtechteacher.org/summer/chicago/

June 23-24, 2020 International e-Engineering Education Services Conference. POSTPONED. Organized by the Tafila Technical University. Sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Petra Marriott Hotel, Wadi Musa (Petra), Jordan. https://e-engineering.org/

June 23-24, 2020 National Association of Disability Practitioners (NADP-UK) International Conference: Supporting Disabled Students, Supporting Ourselves, 21st. Chesford Grange Hotel and Conference Centre, Kenilworth, Warwick, United Kingdom. https://nadp-uk.org/ac2020-supporting-disabled-students-supporting-ourselves/

June 23-24, 2020 Human Resources (HR) Tech Digital Summit, 3rd. Offered online. https://www.hrexchangenetwork.com/events-hr-tech-na/?utm_source=Picreel&utm_medium=Advertising&utm_campaign=HRIQ-OE-20-%20HR%20Tech%20NA%20-%20Picreel&utm_term=&utm_content=&disc=&extTreatId=7511389

June 23-25, 2020 Social Media for Higher Education, 4th. POSTPONED. Grace Hotel, Sydney, Australia. https://publicspectrum.co/events/4th-social-media-for-higher-education-forum/

June 23-25, 2020 International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) World Assembly, 64th. POSTPONED until June 22-24, 2021. Hosted by the Bath Spa University, Bath, United Kingdom. http://icet4u.org/ or https://www.icet4u.org/upcoming_world_assembly.php

June 23-25, 2020 Northeast Regional Computing Program (NERCOMP) Annual Conference Online. Organized by EDUCAUSE. Offered online. https://events.educause.edu/event-finder

June 23-25, 2020 Leadership Academy: The Business of Leading Schools. Organized by Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS). Chicago, Illinois, USA. https://www.isacs.org/professionaldevelopment/conferences-and-workshops

June 23-25, 2020 Division of International Special Education and Services (DISES) International Conference: Envisioning the Future – An Inclusive Society for All. Organized by the Council for Exceptional Children. Dubai, United Arab Emirates. https://rads560.github.io/dises/events.html or https://rads560.github.io/dises/

June 23-25, 2020 Serious Play: Shaping the Future of Training and Education – Evaluation and Assessment, and Return on Investment(A conference for those who create, teach or train using serious games and simulations.) Hosted by University of Central Florida (UCF) Downtown Campus, Orlando, California, USA. http://seriousplayconf.com/ or http://www.gamesindustry.biz/network/events

June 23-26, 2020 Australasian Science Education Research Association (ASERA) Conference, 51st annual. Originally scheduled to be held at the Novotel Wollongong Northbeach, North Wollongong, Australia. In 2020, this event will be held online. https://www.asera.org.au/conferences/2020-conference or http://asera.org.au/

June 23-26, 2020 International ACM Conference on 3D Web Technology, 25th. POSTPONED to November 14-16, 2020. Organized by Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH) and Web3D Consortium in cooperation with the Korea Computer Graphics Society. Seoul, Korea. https://web3d2020.web3d.org/ or http://www.web3d.org/events/now or https://www.siggraph.org//attend/events

June 23-26, 2020 Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE), 42nd annual. CANCELLED. (The next conference will be held June 22-25, 2021 at the University of Victoria in Canada.) University of California, San Diego, California, USA. http://www.ableweb.org/conferences/ or http://www.ableweb.org/conferences/able2020/

June 23-26, 2020 ATD-Yale Management Excellence Certificate. Organized by the Association for Talent Development (ATD, formerly the American Society for Training and Development, ASTD). New Haven, Connecticut, USA. https://www.td.org/education/search-all-programs or https://yale-accel.td.org/management-excellence

June 23-30, 2020 Security Operations Summit and Training. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. https://www.sans.org/information-security-training/by-location/north-america

June 24, 2020 The Times Higher Education (THE) Young Universities Webinar. (Originally scheduled to be a face-to-face event in Moscow, Russia June 24-26.). In 2020, the event will be held online. https://www.timeshighereducation.com/summits or https://www.timeshighereducation.com/summits/younguniversities/2020/

June 24, 2020 Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association (UCISA) London Meeting. Strand Campus, King’s College, London, United Kingdom. https://www.ucisa.ac.uk/Events/2020/June/ucisa-London-June-2020 or https://www.ucisa.ac.uk/events

June 24, 2020 Effective Social Media for Scholarly Publishers. Organized by the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP). Offered online. https://www.alpsp.org/Events-Training

June 24, 2020 Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) Summer Roundtable. Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill, Washington D.C., USA. https://www.chea.org/node/79850

June 24, 2020 Creative Uses of Google and Web Tools to Increase Student Engagement. Presented by EdTechTeacher. Sacred Heart School, Chicago, Illinois, USA. https://edtechteacher.org/summer/chicago/

June 24-26, 2020 Procurement and Contract Management for Higher Education Institutions. Organized by the Association of African Universities. Victoria, Seychelles. https://blog.aau.org/1st-workshop-on-procurement-and-contract-management-for-higher-education-institutions/ or https://event-mgt.aau.org/event/22/

June 24-26, 2020 Association of European Research Libraries (LIBER) Conference: Building Trust with Research Libraries, 49th annual. Originally scheduled to be held at the University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia. In 2020, this event will be held online June 22-26, 2020. https://liberconference.eu/ or https://libereurope.eu/events/

June 24-26, 2020 Living Knowledge Conference, 9th. POSTPONED to June 23-25, 2021. Organized by the six Science Shops of the University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands. https://www.livingknowledge.org/events/lk-conferences/ or https://livingknowledge.org/lk9/

June 24-26, 2020 International Conference on Game Theory and Management (GTM), 14th. POSTPONED until October 2020. Organized by St. Petersburg University and the International Society of Dynamic Games. St. Petersburg, Russia. https://gsom.spbu.ru/en/gsom/research/conferences/gtm2020/

June 24-26, 2020 European University Association Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE) Annual Meeting: The Role of Doctoral Education within Europe’s Universities, 12th. CANCELLED. (May be re-scheduled later.) University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom. https://eua.eu/events.html or https://www.eaie.org/community/calendar.html or https://eua.eu/events/101-2020-eua-cde-annual-meeting.html

June 24-26, 2020 Qualitative Analysis Conference: Conceptualizing Theory – Analytic Practices in Qualitative Research, 37th annual. CANCELLED. (This event will likely be held at Brescia in 2021.) Hosted by Brescia University College, London, Ontario, Canada. http://www.qualitatives.ca/

June 24-26, 2020 Exploring Interactive Video Tools. Organized by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Offered online. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/olc-new-institute-schedule/

June 24-26, 2020 International Congress on Education and Learning Congress: Education in the Context of Global Migration, 9th. Hosted by DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA. http://oneducationandlearning.com/2020-congress/call-for-papers/ or http://oneducationandlearning.com/2020-congress/program/

June 24-27, 2020 International Eurasian Educational Research Congress: Education in the Digital Age – Teaching, Learning and Research, 7th. POSTPONED. Organized by the Eurasian Journal of Educational Research (EJER) and Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey. http://ejercongress.org/?en

June 24-27, 2020 Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 15th. Seville, Spain. http://www.aisti.eu/index.php/pt/ or http://www.aisti.eu/index.php/pt/12-news/37-cisti-2017-12-conferencia-iberica-de-sistemas-e-tecnologias-de-informacao

June 24-28, 2020 Seoul International Book Fair. POSTPONED. Seoul, Korea. http://sibf.or.kr/

June 24-28, 2020 At-Risk and Struggling Students Conference. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. https://atriskstudentsconference.com/

June 24-August 12, 2020 Instructional Design Mastery Series. Organized by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Offered on different dates, online. https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/olc-new-institute-schedule/

June 25, 2020 Association of Colleges (AoC) Quality and Performance Network. To be offered online. https://www.aoc.co.uk/events

June 25, 2020 Growth Over Grades: Pros, Cons and Alternatives to Traditional Grading. Presented by Innovative Educators. Offered online. https://www.innovativeeducators.org/products/growth-over-grades-pros-cons-alternatives-to-traditional-grading or https://www.innovativeeducators.org/pages/events

June 25-26, 2020 Irish Conference on Game-Based Learning (iGBL), 10th. CANCELLED. Cork City, Ireland. http://www.igbl-conference.com/

June 25-26, 2020 Canadian eLearning Conference, 11th. CANCELLED. (The previous name of this conference seems to have been the eLearning Alliance of Canadian Hospitals (eACH) Conference). Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning, Sick Kids Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada http://canadianelearning.ca/

June 25-26, 2020 Psychology One Conference. CANCELLED. Organized by the Society for the Teaching of Psychology and Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA. http://www.psychoneconference.org/

June 25-26, 2020 Executive Leadership Academy. Organized by the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC). Originally scheduled for Washington, D.C., USA. In 2020, this event will be held online June 25-26, 2020. https://www.cic.edu/programs/executive-leadership-academy or https://www.cic.edu/programs#

June 25-26, 2020 e-Learning Instructional Design Certificate. Organized by the Association for Talent Development (ATD, formerly the American Society for Training and Development, ASTD). Variety of possible dates. Offered online. https://www.td.org/education/search-all-programs or https://www.td.org/education-courses/e-learning-instructional-design-certificate

June 25-27, 2020 Asia Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) International Conference: Interweaving Theory and Practice in ELT in Asia Creating New Prospects for the Future, 18th. KINTEX Convention Center, Goyang, South Korea. http://www.asiatefl.org/

June 25-27, 2020 Executive Leadership Academy. Organized by the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC). Originally scheduled to be held in Columbus, Ohio, USA. In 2020, this event will be held June 25-26 online. https://www.cic.edu/programs

June 25-27 and 28-30, 2020 National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Summer Institute. Session 1: Literary and Informational Texts – Reading/Writing about Literature. Session 2: Writing, Speaking, and Listening – Teaching Communication Today. Louisville, Kentucky, USA. https://ncte.org/institute/ or https://ncte.org/events/

June 25-28, 2020 Process Education Academy: To See Growth, Inspire Learners – Creating Inspired Learning Environments. Hosted by St. Louis College of Pharmacy, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. In 2020, this event will be held online. http://www.processeducation.org/peconf/

June 25-30, 2020 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Meeting. CANCELLED. Chicago, Illinois, USA. http://www.ala.org/conferencesevents/node/7/ or http://www.ala.org/conferencesevents/upcoming-annual-conferences-midwinter-meetings

June 26-28, 2020 ASCD Conference on Teaching Excellence. (ASCD, formerly the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development). Denver, Colorado, USA. http://www.ascd.org/conferences/past-and-future-conferences.aspx

June 26-28, 2020 Accounting Information Systems (AIS) Educator Association(AISEA) Conference, 22nd annual. POSTPONED until June 25-27, 2021. Antlers Hotel, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. http://www.aiseducators.com/conference.asp

Jun 27, 2020 Early Childhood Teachers’ Association Conference. Sheldon Event Centre, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. https://ecta.org.au/event/ecta-early-childhood-conference-expression-of-interest-to-present/ or https://www.cvent.com/c/abstracts/942d7296-c7b2-4f83-b5d7-935234f46625

June 27-30, 2020 Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) National Conference: Inclusivity in Research – Scholarly Inquiry throughout the Undergraduate Experience, 20th biennial. Originally scheduled for Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. Will now be offered online, June 28-July 1, 2020. https://www.cur.org/what/events/upcoming/ or https://www.cur.org/what/events/conferences/curconf/2020/

June 27-30, 2020 Association of College and University Housing Officers – International (ACUHO-I) Annual Conference and Exposition. CANCELLED. Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon, USA. https://www.acuho-i.org/events/ace?portalid=0?portalid=0?portalid=0?portalid=0?portalid=0

June 27-30, 2020 American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Annual Conference: One Vision, One Voice. Seattle, Washington, USA. http://www.schoolcounselor.org/school-counselors-members/professional-development/annual-conference

June 27-30, 2020 Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education(NASPA) M. Ben Hogan Small Colleges and Universities Institute, biennial. Boston, Massachusetts, USA.  https://www.naspa.org/events/naspa-m-ben-hogan-small-colleges-and-universities-institute1 or https://www.naspa.org/events/page/2

June 27-July 1, 2020 International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition: Bringing Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience and Computational Theories to Design Research, 9th biennial. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. http://dccconferences.org/dcc20/

June 27-July 1, 2020 National Technology Student Association Conference: Inspire a Shared Vision, 42nd annual. CANCELLED. Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. https://tsaweb.org/events-conferences/2020-national-tsa-conference

June 28-29, 2020 The Queensland Early Education and Care Conference. (700 attendees) Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. https://www.candk.asn.au/professional-events

June 28-29, 2020 Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Forum on Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities to Accelerate Sustainable Development for Human Progress. POSTPONED. Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica. https://en.unesco.org/events/caribbean-sids-forum-artificial-intelligence-opportunities-accelerate-sustainable-development or https://en.unesco.org/events?page=1

June 28-30, 2020 Association of Public and Land-grant Universities’ Council on Student Affairs (CSA). Kimpton Palomar Hotel, Washington, D.C., USA. https://www.aplu.org/meetings-and-events/events/2020-csa-summer-forum or https://www.aplu.org/meetings-and-events/events/2020/?page=1

June 28-July 1, 2020 International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference and Expo. POSTPONED until November 28-December 1, 2020. Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California, USA. https://www.iste.org/ or https://conference.iste.org/2020/

June 28-July1, 2020 Distance Learning Administration. CANCELLED. Jekyll Island, Georgia, USA. http://www.westga.edu/~distance/dla/

June 28-July 1, 2020 Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Annual Conference and Exposition. San Diego, California, USA. http://annual.shrm.org/

June 28-July 2, 2020 Teaching to Increase Diversity and Equity in STEM (TIDES). (STEM = science, technology, engineering and mathematics) Organized by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U). Lansdowne Resort and Conference Center, Leesburg, Virginia, USA. http://www.aacu.org/events or https://www.aacu.org/2020-TIDES

June 29-30, 2020 Going Global: For Leaders of International Education. CANCELLED. Organized by the British Council. Queen Elizabeth II Centre. London, United Kingdom. https://www.britishcouncil.org/going-global or https://www.britishcouncil.org/going-global-2020

June 29-30, 2020 Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Editors Forum: Communications and Marketing, Magazine and Publications, Online Communications and Marketing. Offered online. https://www.case.org/events/editors-forum-2020 or http://www.case.org/

June 29-July 1, 2020 Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education(NASPA) Conference on Student Success in Higher Education. Baltimore, Maryland, USA. https://www.naspa.org/events/naspa-conferences-on-student-success-in-higher-education1 or https://www.naspa.org/events/2019SSHE or https://www.naspa.org/events

June 29-July 1, 2020 Trauma Informed School Conference (TISC). Organized by Beyond Consequences Institute (BCI). Originally scheduled for St. Charles Convention Center, St. Charles, Missouri, USA. In 2020, this event will be held online. https://www.beyondconsequences.com/tisc-spring

June 29-July 2, 2020 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), 50th, annual. Sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). Originally scheduled to be held at the Universitat Politècnica de València, València, Spain. In 2020, this event will be held online. http://dsn.org/ or https://dsn2020.webs.upv.es/

June 29-July 2, 2020 International Conference on Supercomputing. Sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)/SIGARCH. Originally scheduled to be held in Barcelona, Spain. In 2020, this event will be held online. http://www.ics-conference.org/ or https://ics2020.bsc.es/

June 29-July 2, 2020 Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society (MOBTS) Conference. Sponsored by Purdue University, Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA. To be held online. https://mobts.org/ or https://mobts.org/conference-sites/

June 29-July 3, 2020 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR), 40th. Geneva, Switzerland. This event may be held online. https://www.wipo.int/meetings/en/topic.jsp?group_id=62 or https://www.wipo.int/meetings/en/details.jsp?meeting_id=56053

June 29-July 3, 2020 National Congress of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (AMESA), 26th annual. POSTPONED. Sunnyside Campus, University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria., South Africa. http://www.amesa.org.za/AMESA2020/

June 30-July 2, 2020 MWC Shanghai (Formerly, Mobile World Congress Shanghai, 60,000 attendees). CANCELLED (But, the event will be held in 2021.) Shanghai, China. https://www.mwcshanghai.com/

June 30-July 3, 2020 Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) Conference, 43rd annual. POSTPONED until July 7-10, 2021. Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. https://conference.herdsa.org.au/2020/ or http://www.herdsa.org.au

June 30-July 3, 2020 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) MobiHoc: Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing, 21st. Originally scheduled to be held in Shanghai, China. In 2020, this event will be held October 11-14, 2020 online.  https://www.sigmobile.org/mobihoc/2020/

June 30-July 4, 2020 The Creativity Workshop: Using the Tools of Creative Writing, Memoir, Art, Photography, Storytelling and Mindfulness. Hotel Paris, Prague, Czech Republic.  http://www.creativityworkshop.com/conferences.html

June 30-August 4, 2020 Measuring Return on Investment Certificate. Organized by the Association for Talent Development (ATD, formerly the American Society for Training and Development, ASTD). Variety of possible dates. Also offered in Boston and Washington. Offered online. https://www.td.org/education/search-all-programs or https://www.td.org/education-courses/measuring-return-on-investment-certificate

June ? 2020 Inter-Institutional Benchmarking Summit. Organized by the Australasian Council for Open, Distance and E-Learning (ACODE). The 3rd was held June 25-27, 2018 and hosted by Griffith University South Bank Campus, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.


*As of May 7, 2020, information was NOT AVAILABLE for the 2020 version of the events below.*

June 6-7, 2019 Institute for Experiential Learning: Making Experiential Learning Explicit – Empowering Individuals and Teams in Business and Educational Organizations. Glidden House, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. http://www.experientiallearninginstitute.org/

June 6-7, 2019 American Council on Education West Summer Summit: Demonstrating Value – Economic Trends and the Changing Needs of Students. Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Portland, Portland, Oregon, USA. https://www.acenet.edu/events/Pages/2019-ACE-West-Summer-Summit.aspx

June 11-13, 2019 Learn Fest ATX (Formerly known as iPadpalooza, focuses on the innovative use of technology in the classroom). Westlake High School, Austin, Texas, USA. http://thelearningfestival.com/

June 14-21, 2019 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), 45th. Organized by the International Computer Music Association. New York City, New York, USA. http://www.computermusic.org/

June 17-19, 2019 Thinking, Doing, Learning Conference, 4th (biennial?). University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland. https://www.jyu.fi/en/congress/tdl2019

June 18-19, 2019 Digital Forum of French-Speaking Universities, 1st. Bucharest, Romania. https://idneuf4-bucarest2019.auf.org/

June 18-20, 2019 Informatics Educators Forum Conference. Organized by the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA). St. Louis, Missouri, USA. https://www.amia.org/meetings-and-events

June 18-20, 2019 Learning International Networks Consortium (LINC) Conference: How to Thrive in a New Learning Society, 10th. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. https://jwel.mit.edu/linc-2019

June 20, 2019 International Symposium on University Rankings and Quality Assurance, 11th annual. Brussels, Belgium. http://www.publicpolicyexchange.co.uk/events/JF20-PPE2

June 20-21, 2019 Educational Technology Users Group (ETUG) Conference: Back to the Future, 25th. Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada. https://etug.ca/event/workshops-2/

June 21-22, 2019 Congress of Southeast Asian Libraries (CONSAL), 18th. (650 participants) Phnom Penh, Cambodia. https://www.ifla.org/node/92319 or https://www.eifl.net/events

June 22, 2019 Symposium for Part-Time, Adjunct and Contingent Educators (SPACE). Kennesaw, Georgia, USA. https://www.spaceducators.com/

June 23-28, 2019 Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) Conference: Contesting Borders and Intersections, annual. Sponsored by Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI). San Diego, California, USA. https://dis2019.com/

June 24-28, 2019 CeBIT: Europe’s Business Festival for Innovation and Digitization. Hannover Exhibition Grounds, Hannover, Germany. http://www.cebit.de/en/#new-cebit

June 25-26, 2019 AfricaTek: International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Developing Countries, 3rd. Sponsored by the European Alliance for Innovation (EAI). Abidjan, Cȏte d’Ivoire. http://africatek.org/

June 25-27, 2019 Moodle Hack/Doc Fest Summer. Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, USA. http://www.clamp-it.org/news-and-events/

June 29-July 6, 2019 Guild of Natural Science Illustrators (GNSI) Conference: Grow Your Skills, Expand Your Network, Inspire Curiosity. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. https://gnsi.org/event/gnsi-conference

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